ToysRus Bets On Price Match
Looking for the hottest toys for Christmas 2013? A toy retailer is betting on a new program to get people to shop with them. ToysRus is hoping to win the battle for your wallet. Click to see more of the coolest toys for Christmas 2013. ToysRus announced that it is preparing to match the prices of other retailers like Kohls, Walmart, Macy's, Sears and Target. This is good news for consumers. The new strategy is part of ToysRus' price match guarantee. ToysRus is hoping that the program will get shoppers in their doors. It is being offered on all products from both ToysRus and BabiesRus. The program is going to run all the way up to the day before Christmas. Now through Christmas Eve, ToysRus plans to match prices from competitors. Consumers just have to bring in a shopping ad from a competitor for an identical product and ToysRus will match it.
The new program can actually be taken advantage of even after the purchase. After customers make a purchase at ToysRus, they have a week to get a price adjustment. If they find a lower price in that time period, they just have to bring the ad in and get the price adjusted. The ad must show the same item for a lower price and it must be a local competitor. The big catch is that the deal won't work on online prices. ToysRus is only offering this program in stores and it does not apply to their online store.
This new plan is being offered in addition to other plans that ToysRus announced. Earlier ToysRus announced that customers can take advantage of their free layaway program. For the first time, they are allowing consumers to reserve the items on its hot holiday list. See more hottest toys for Christmas 2013( A lot of these toys are expected to be very hard to find during the crux of the holiday season. There were a number of items on the list including a new Furby, a brand new console from Nintendo, and two kids’ tablets. This year ToysRus has a number of items on their list that can only be found in ToysRus stores. They are hoping that the exclusivity of these products drives more people into their stores. Consumers can reserve any of the toys by putting down 20% of the purchase price. Both of the programs run until the end of October. Other retailers including Walmart are also offering their own layaway programs.
It looks like retailers are expecting to do well this holiday season even though it is an election year. ToysRus is getting ready for the holidays by hiring more temporary workers. They are expected to hire 5,000 more this year. Last year, they hired about 40,000 workers and this year they are hiring 45,000 workers.
Even Kohls is expected to hire more workers this year. They are hiring over 50,000 seasonal employees. That's 10% more than last year.
However, Macy's plans to hire the most seasonal employees with 80,000 planned seasonal staffers.
The increased holiday staffing comes in advance of Black Friday. For retailers, it's the most important day of the year.